Electrodistribution North launched the project "Safe sky for birds in North-Eastern Bulgaria"

The project under the LIFE program of the European Commission is worth 2.176 million euros

The project "Safe skies for birds in North-Eastern Bulgaria" is a joint initiative of EPR North and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds - a partner of BirdLife International in the country. The aim of the project is to prevent unnatural mortality among globally threatened bird species caused by electrocution and collision with overhead power lines by applying best practices. The project targets 16 species of birds that are a priority for funding under the LIFE program – 15 of them are included in the Birds Directive, 10 species are included in the Red List of globally threatened species and 14 species are protected in Europe.

The main objectives of the project, which will last 5 years, are:

• preventing unnatural bird mortality by isolating 10,000 dangerous electric poles and marking overhead wires with 5,000 diverters in 28 Natura 2000 project areas and in key corridors between special protected areas;

• creation of a system for future monitoring of bird mortality along all power lines in North-Eastern Bulgaria;


• providing 100 safe nesting sites for two of the target species on dangerous electricity poles by installing birdhouses.


The LIFE program of the European Union provides funding for projects to protect the environment and nature. The program was established in 1992 to finance projects in the EU and in some candidate countries and neighboring countries. The LIFE program has funded the preparation of hundreds of management plans for Natura 2000 sites. These are important steps in the fight to prevent biodiversity loss. In addition to creating safe corridors for different species and urban habitats for wild plants and animals, other projects under the program have taken measures to adapt to climate change, support ecosystem services and raise awareness of businesses about the importance of biodiversity.